We have been raising good hair sheep here in West Texas for many years. Our goal has always been to raise a hardy animal with strong reproductive traits here in our arid conditions with minimum inputs.
In 2017 I discovered the Katahdin breed of sheep which offered a big advance in parasite resistance and multiple births. As an added bonus they demonstrated excellent mothering ability. We have been crossing Katahdins on our commercial ewes and have been very pleased with our increased production.
Our registered herd has been added to from established breeders from as far away as Tennessee. We are continually looking for animals that will enhance our core base of quality breeding stock. We are offering the top end of our ram lambs/yearlings to help others enhance their herd performance. Our business goal is to market a 200% lamb crop with no parasite problems and a minimum of feed inputs. We breed for a well balanced lamb with good bone and strong carcass characteristics.
You may reach us by phone or text at 325-812-4930 or through our web site, www.freshpasture.net. Our email is [email protected]. We would be happy to visit with you concerning the improvements we have been able to make using the Katahdin breed.
Member: Katahdin Hair Sheep lnternational-KHSI
Southcentral Katahdin Association -SCKA
Texas Sheep and Goat Raisers Association-TSGRA
Texas Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association-TSCRA